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Monday, May 01, 2006

Drink & Blog

How come I didn't post on Saturday and Sunday? To put it simply, it was my failure to imitate CherkyB's inspiration for blog.

Here is the longer version of what happened:

I was getting ready to post Saturday afternoon about the yummy garlic grilled corn when I remembered da funny blog master's inspirational words from a few days ago: "I write blog as if I were at happy hour drinking and telling stories". At that time, I had replied that "I am usually focused on munching the appetizers at happy-hour so I don't get a lot of practice telling stories". Later my slow thought told me that maybe da man was telling me to drink and then blog so I added 6-pack beer to our grocery list earlier in the day. Realizing that I had not consumed the beverage before blogging, I left the computer room to go downstairs to place a mug in the freezer to chill.

Now, normally I don't drink but I've learned a lot from watching foodtv so I felt like an expert as I poured the beverage into the chilled glass 15 minutes later. I carried the mug around the kitchen like a thief walking through minefield - one reason was because RyanC had left a mess on the kitchen floor and we hadn't cleaned it up and the other reason was because I realized that if I make noises then the little guy might start investigating daddy's drink and decides that he should have some. I must have been pretty successful at keeping quiet. I can't remember what happened next..

The next memory I have was of me sitting on the sofa watching tv with an empty mug on the table. It should be noted that I usually do not watch tv as part of my daily routine - internet has made tv less interesting unless a good show is on foodtv. I didn't feel like going upstairs to write blog. I didn't feel like moving much. All I wanted to do was to sit on the sofa and stare at the tv. I don't remember what show was on. I don't remember what wife and RyanC did. All I remember was that I liked sitting on the sofa...

That pretty much ended Saturday as I continued to spend most of the time on the sofa. I think I may have even watched tivo'ed One Tree Hill or Oprah. I also finished "Forever Odd" book and I can vaguely remember what it was about - but that's not unusual. It was a peaceful day. Everything was normal -- except that I totally forgot about blog...

When I finally woke up for good on Sunday, I felt guilty about not posting blog. I got on-line and noticed that the master has not updated his blog either -- so I felt better about my non-update. I started creating my post and that's when I heard the familiar shout:
Your turn!

I walked out of the computer room to look for the little poopoo boy to change his diaper.

It turns out that we were supposed to go to JC Penny to spend our $10 coupon and we also had to go to the library to pick up reserved DVD "Proof" and book "5th Horseman". We planned to be out for a few hours since we also wanted to go to ToysRUs, Target and Walmart -- and of course the plan changed due to the little boy. RyanC fell asleep in the car and we didn't want to wake him up since it was around his nap time anyways. We had hoped that he'd nap later as he did the day before but apparently the car ride was too comfortable for him.

So we sped up our trips, skipped Walmart, and came home earlier than expected. I volunteered to stay in the car with RyanC as we parked in the garage. He has been super fussy due to teething so it was good to see him rest comfortably. I then started reading James Patterson's "5th Horseman" page-turner while sitting in the parked car.

An hour later, the boy woke up from the nap and pointed to his mouth, demanding some food. It was pretty exciting when he first pointed to his mouth indicating he wants food -- but recently it's been non-stop as he seems to want to eat all the time. Looking at his chubby face, I thought maybe we have been spoiling him too much recently. But he seems so eager to have us feed him!

At this time you probably think that I forgot about the blog but I didn't. I simply had to wait the next opportunity, which would be when RyanC goes to bed. However, I also remembered something about drinks and blog and got another drink ready after putting RyanC to bed that night. This time I didn't end up on the sofa most of the night.

I ended up browsing the web aimlessly and then did some work. I think I may even have IM'ed da blog master when he showed up -- how I managed to forget about my own blog evades me...

It is obvious that I need to stay sober for blog or I'll never remember to post. It was unfortunate that I cannot follow da funny blogger's inspirational methods. This means I will need to find alternative means to improve my blog delivery and content.

PS. Our garbage was picked up today as scheduled despite the immigrant protests.


At Monday, May 1, 2006 at 9:35:00 PM GMT-7, Blogger CherkyB said...

Dood. This was like your best post ever! What kinda beer was it? Tonight, I'm enjoying gin and tonic while I try to think of something non-boring to write. But you raised the bar.

At Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at 7:44:00 PM GMT-7, Blogger CJ said...

Thanks. It was Kirin beer. Either I drink too fast or it's not too great -- it doesn't seem to taste good at the end...


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