AidanC's adventure in big bed
AidanC is ~1.5 now. He rarely woke up in the middle of the night so we have been blessed with the peaceful nights.
The other night he woke up crying hysterically. I took the poor little boy to our bedroom so he wouldn't wake up his brother next door. He was really happy to be with mommy and daddy. I left the light off hoping he will lie down and sleep since I was too tired to take him back to his room.
He then crawled toward mommy, found mommy's cheeks and gave mommy a big hug and kiss... "awww! nice boy" mommy said.
AidanC then started crawling toward me... I lay there expecting a hug and a kiss too - from the little boy.
Then I felt little chubby finger poking my cheeks a few times in the dark... and a little voice yelled "fat! fat!" as AidanC continued to poke my face with his finger...