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Thursday, August 02, 2007


It rained a little more than usual tonight. I think it's flooding outside. The booming thunders had added to the thrill of not being able to see clearly through the rain.

I have finally recovered from the CA trip. RyanC hads the most fun in CA. He got to go to fairy land and pixie land and discovery museum in addition to daily trips to the playgrounds. Thanks to his older cousin's good example, he is now peeing into toilet more regularly though he is still far from being potty-trained. Wife hasn't been feeling well and AidanC's teething is causing extra difficulties.

Last evening when we went shopping and waited outside Safeway in the car, RyanC was telling me how I cannot fit in the shopping cart seats because I was too big. It all started when I asked him if he wanted to sit in a shopping cart at our next destination and whether I could sit with him.

All of the sudden RyanC looked outside of the window, pointed at these two heavy-set shoppers and said:
"daddy. that people cannot fit in their car. They are too big."

I rolled up the window...

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