"Unique" Visitors:

Friday, September 15, 2006

About Last Night

This morning I told wife what I drank night at fat camp and then she asked "So... how often are you going to have fat camp? Once a month?" I started going "ehhh...." and she asked "you are not going every week, are you?" I went to work early then...

Mile High Fat Camp started about ~5 minutes after planned schedule since I could not find a parking spot right outside the pub. El Torito and I walked into the pub and did not see anyone at street-level. We then went to the basement level and again did not see anyone we recognize. The candle lights in basement created an atmosphere that did not seem suitable for a bunch of guys sitting together. So we headed back upstairs to wait...

I called MoodyT to confirm he was still coming and he said he just parked on the perfect parking spot. I hung up when I noticed him and Rico walking towards the bar. The next call was for CherkyB since I was not sure if he would be grounded or not. Having kids does not always provide the most flexibility when it comes to gatherings...

CherkyB said he was close by and I gave him direction to parking garage in case he had problem finding a spot. I neglected to mention that they charge $0.50/hour and later he was not too thrilled about that -- so I gave him $1 to pay for the parking. Though he probably ended up paying $1.50 since he stayed longer... but I digress...

So we were just chatting and at last CherkB happily walked into the pub finding us with drinks in hand. Waitress appeared quickly and then SmurkyB ordered Jack & Coke. What happened next surprised the rest of us.

The waitress asked to see SmurkyB's ID!

We were not carded when we ordered our drinks so obviously either SmurkyB looked younger than us or his smurk just makes the waitress want to get to know him better.. or both. She stared at his ID for a long time and then declared him to be 23... Hmm...

Later in the night we went to this small and cozy bar , yet another place I had never been to, to have shots. I had this thing called kamikaze and it tasted like lemonade. Supposedly it was lime and voda according to the experts. Later we headed to the roof-top party place, which was called Tailgate Tommy's or so I remembered... Interestingly only card lady was hanging out downstairs in this two-story place and all the noises came from roof-top. I had to go to the restroom so I got lost while the rest of the gang headed upstairs towards the music and happy voices.

Their bathroom was stinkier than the small cozy bar's tiny bathroom!

It was a sea of yellow... t-shirts upstairs. A lot of young people were celebrating and having fun. Their t-shirts said "CSU Vet Med" and "pub crawl party" or something like that. I found MoodyT first and then we waded through the crowds to get to the bar area. FriendlyT then chatted with a girl (wearing yellow t-shirt) from Pennsylvania while waiting at the bar and then we found out out they just got done with their first anatomy exam. I couldn't hear her answer when he asked what kind of anatomy exam it was... I looked at the happy yellow t-shirts surrounding us, reflected back on my first geeky exam and became depressed...

CherkyB and Rico already got drinks at that time and chatted near the bar area. El Torito ordered light beer while us designated drivers got Coke. I told CherkyB I got triple-shots when he bragged about his double-shot drink... Apparently he wasn't drunk enough so he didn't believe me.

As we were standing around taking up space in the crowded roof-top, this animal lover, who also wore the same yellow t-shirt as everyone but us, asked if she could cut through us to get to her friends. I stood aside to let her through and then the guys chatted with her a little bit before she walked/rushed off. I stood furthest away so I didn't hear what it was about. I confirmed that I don't hear very well -- though my wife already knows about my hearing problem.

So as the night went on, both El Torito and I were looking at our cell phones to check for time and possible messages. We decided that we should get back before midnight. Ten minutes later we said goodbye to the three Amigos and left the Tailgate party.

I dropped El Torito senior off and got home by midnight... only to find out that everyone was sleeping already! I looked at baby AidanC's sleeping pose and wondered when he'd wake us up. I never got to found out as I slept until wife brought RyanC to wake me up a little after 7am.


At Saturday, September 16, 2006 at 7:52:00 PM GMT-7, Blogger CherkyB said...

I don't remember you giving me a dollar for parking. Are you sure you didn't tip that waitress you were drooling over with my dollar?

At Saturday, September 16, 2006 at 8:08:00 PM GMT-7, Blogger CJ said...

oh. you were more drunk than I thought then!


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